HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and
DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language) programming is at
the very core of what I do. To make a website more "Dynamic", I use "Java Scripting" for items like scrolling
banners, roll-over images, dynamic form content, special effects, etc...
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) allows me to make changes site wide, instead of the old "inline" way of coding
fonts, styles and colors. This saves time and saves you money! It is a much cleaner way of controling website layout.
I make sure that your HTML / DHTML and CSS code is
W3C compliant
so that the major browsers will display your web pages correctly.
Contact me at
1-815-631-5042 ...or fill out my no cost, no obligation
Design Quote to discuss a website for you or your company that is programmed correctly, the first time!